Gjetost Cheese
Gjetost Cheese is a type of Norwegian goat cheese that is made from a combination of milk, cream and whey. This cheese has a fudge-like texture and sweet caramel flavor that results from caramelised sugars during the cooking process.
Gjetost Cheese is often served in thin slices and can be eaten on toast or flatbread, or melted into a variety ot tasty dishes.
Other names: Brunost, Mesost
Translations: Gjetost Siers, Gjetost Sūriai, Gjetost Brânză, Gjetost sira, Gjetost Kaas, Gjetost पनीर, Gjetost Queijo, Gjetost сыра, Gjetost Τυρί, Gjetost الجبن, Gjetost 치즈, Gjetost Sýry, Gjetost Keju, Gjetost奶酪, Gjetost Formatge, Gjetost Sir, Gjetost Syry, Gjetost Formaggio, Gjetost גבינה, Gjetost Ost, Гјетост сир, イェイトーストチーズ, Gjetost fromage, Gjetost Queso, Gjetost сиру, Gjetost Juusto, Gjetost сирене
Physical Description
Most commonly comes in a cube, about 2inx2in. softer than fontina firmer than chevre not a crumbling or grating cheese.
Colors: Exactly the same color as Jiffy
Tasting Notes
Flavors: starts slightly sweet and finishes with the definite goat cheese that it is made of
Mouthfeel: Creamy, Sticky like peanut butter.
Substitutes: Mysost
Preparation and Use
Typically sliced thin and paired with bread or crackers. It is also commonly used with juniper berry in sauces for game.
Cleaning: None required