Daikon Radish
Daikon radish (Latin Raphanus sativus) is also known as Oriental radish, icicle radish or Chinese radish. The roots are fairly large--2-4" in diameter and 8-20" long. Daikon, which is related to the more familiar red radish more common in the West, is available in specialty groceries or oriental markets. Choose radishes that are pure white, feel firm and heavy, and are free of sprouts, cracks or bruises. The fall and winter roots offer more flavor but less bite than the hotter, blander roots harvested in the spring. Discard green-tops unless the leaves are crisp, green. Diakon sprouts are also a nice spicy add-on to any salad or stir fry.
Translations: Daikons Redīsi, Daikon Ridikėlis, Daikon ridiche, Daikon rotkvica, Daikon củ cải, Rzodkiewka Rzodkiew japońska, Daikon Radijs, Daikon मूली, Дайкон Редька, Daikon Ρεπάνι, Daikon الفجل, 무 무, Ředkev daikon, Daikon Lobak, Daikon labanos, 萝卜, Daikon Rave, Rotkva redkve, Reďkev daikon, Daikon Ravanello, Daikon צנון, Daikon Rädisa, Ротква Ротквица, 大根, Radis daikon, Rettich, Daikon Radise, Daikon reddik, Daikon Rábano, Дайкон Редька, Daikon Retikka, Daikon репички