Winter Melon
Popular in China as a summer food, winter melons have a bright white flesh similar in taste to cucumber or summer squash. Often used in soups.
Other names: Ash Gourd, Chinese Preserving Melon
Translations: Ziemas Melon, Žieminiai melionai, Melon de iarnă, Zima Lubenica, Mùa đông Melon, Zima Melon, सर्दियों तरबूज, Зимние дыни, Χειμώνας Πεπόνι, الشتاء البطيخ, 겨울 멜론, Zimní Melon, 冬瓜, Meló d'Hivern, Winter Melona, Zimné Melon, Melone invernale, חורף מלון, Vinter Melon, Зима диња, 冬メロン, Melon d'hiver, Vinter Melon, Vinter Melon, Melón de Invierno, Зимові дині, Зимни пъпеш
Tasting Notes
Substitutes: Chayote, Zucchini, Yellow squash