Yaks Milk
Yaks, a member of the bovine family found in several Himalayan countries, produce a rich, creamy colored milk with a high fat content of 5%% to 7%%. Because it is so high in fat, it is usually processed into butter, cheese, or yogurt.
Translations: Yaks Piens, Jakovas Pienas, Lapte iaci, Yaks Mlijeko, Yaks sữa, Mleko Yaks, Yaks Melk, याक दूध, Leite Yaks, Яки молока, Γιάκ Γάλα, حليب الياك, Yaks 우유, Jaky Mléko, Yak Susu, 牦牛奶, Llet YACs, Jaki Milk, Jaky Mlieko, Yak Latte, חלב יאקים, Jakar Mjölk, Ыакс млека, ヤクミルク, Yaks Lait, Yaks Milch, Jaker Mælk, Leche Yacs, Яки молока, Jakeilla Maito, Yaks Мляко