Puffball Mushroom

Photo: Anonymous
The giant puffball is a large mushroom that grows wild. It can grow to large sizes bigger than a soccer ball, but is usually around the size of a baseball. Unlike most other groups, puffballs contain their spores inside, so they're somewhat rounded. When mature, any pressure from outside, such as a raindrop or a kick from a child's shoe, ejects the spores in a cloud of dust.
Physical Description
The giant puffball is a whitish, Styrofoam-like globe as small as a softball or as large as a beach ball, with short, root-like mycelial (fungal) fibers connecting it to the ground. The inside of the mature Giant puffballs is greenish brown, whereas the interior of immature puffballs is white. The large white mushrooms are edible when young. Immature puffballs are roughly globular, and white and soft inside, like cream cheese.
Tasting Notes
Selecting and Buying
Preparation and Use
This mushroom is a choice edible. Trim away the cuticle (covering) if it's encrusted with dirt, and cut out any bad parts with a paring knife. Try not to wash this mushroom under water, or it will become too soggy to sauté.
Slice the puffball, sauté it, steam it, or simmer it in soups, like other mushrooms. It's also great baked or grilled.
Conserving and Storing
This mushroom doesn't dehydrate well. To store it long-range, cook it and freeze it.