Red Rome Apple
This perfectly round, deep solid red apple owes its popularity more to its looks than its taste. While it is considered by many to be only fair as a fresh-eating variety, Rome (also known as Rome Beauty) is most reliable in the kitchen. It is one of the very finest baking apples available because its firm texture retains its shape, and the flesh acquires a very rich flavour when cooked. When prepared in dishes from pies to pancakes, from sauces to baked apple desserts, Rome has proved a durable delight. These apples are harvested from late September through October, and can be found into the early winter months.
Translations: Red Roma Apple, Red Roma Apple, Red Apple Roma, Crvena Jabuka Rimu, Rome Red Apple, Red Apple Rzym, Red Apple Rome, रोम लाल सेब, Red Apple Roma, Ред Ром Apple, Red Apple Ρώμη, التفاح الأحمر روما, 레드 애플 로마, Červená Řím Apple, Red Apple Roma, Red Apple Roma, 罗马红苹果, Xarxa Apple Roma, Red Rim Apple, Červená Rím Apple, Red Apple Roma, האדום ברומא אפל, Red Rom Apple, Црвена јабука Рим, レッドローマアップル, Red Apple Rome, Red Apple Rom, Red Rom Apple, Red Roma Apple, Red Apple Roma, Ред Ром Apple, Red Rooma Apple, Червената Рим Apple