Chum Salmon
Photo: flickr user bschmove
Chum Salmon is a species of Salmon found in the Pacific Ocean. It is silvery green in color with black spots and can live for up to six years. The demand for Chum Salmon in commercial markets is not very high compared to other types of Salmon, but it is available fresh, frozen, smoked and dry salted.
Other names: Dog Salmon, Keta Salmon
Translations: Keta, Chum Somon, Drugar Salmon, Kolega z łososia, Chum zalm, दोस्त Salmon, Кеты, الصاحب السلمون, 미끼 연어, Chum Losos, Matalik na kaibigan Salmon, 大麻哈鱼, Chum Salmón, Chum Losos, צ 'סלמון, Hundlax, Другар салмон, サケ, Saumon kéta, Chum Salmó, Кети, Chum Lohi, Чам сьомга