Beef Brain
Photo: flickr user Augapfel
Beef brain is a delicacy not for the faint of heart. Beef brain is loaded with cholesterol, and those who eat them often scramble it with eggs or they mold it into a patty and deep-fry it in fat. Growing concerns over mad cow disease have turned some connoisseurs away from this specialty.
Translations: Liellopu Brain, Jautienos Brain, Carne de vită Brain, Goveđi mozak, Thịt bò Brain, Brain wołowiny, बीफ़ मस्तिष्क, Carne Brain, Говядина мозга, Βοείου κρέατος Brain, لحوم البقر الدماغ, 쇠고기 브레인, Hovězí Brain, Baka Brain, 牛脑, Carn cervell, Goveje meso Brain, Hovädzie Brain, Cervello di manzo, בקר המוח, Nötkött Brain, Говеђа мозга, 牛の脳, Boeuf Brain, Oksekød Brain, Carne cerebro, Яловичина мозку, Naudanliha Brain, Говеждо Мозъчен