Beech Mushroom
Photo: flickr user frankenstoen
The Beech mushroom, an oyster-like mushroom, is firm and has a mildly sweet, nutty taste, and can be used in a broad range of recipes from soups and sauces to stir-fries.
Translations: Bukas Mushroom, Bukva gljiva, Beech Nấm, Buk Grzyb, Beuken Mushroom, बीच मशरूम, Бук Mushroom, Οξυά Μανιτάρια, الزان الفطر, 비치 버섯, Buk Houby, Beech Jamur, Beech kabute, 榉木蘑菇, Faig de fongs, Bukev Mushroom, Buk Huby, Faggio Mushroom, אשור פטריות, Буква гљива, ブナキノコ, Buche Mushroom, Bøg Mushroom, Bøk Mushroom, Haya de hongos, Бук Mushroom, Pyökki Mushroom, Бук гъби