Food Blog of the Day Archive
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December 5, 2011
I admit I am still at a loss with most spices. Now that I live in the Middle east, close to India, the spice shelves are packed with spices I am not even familiar with. I can identify a lot more spices by their looks and smells than 7 years ago, before I moved to Dubai.
December 4, 2011
With the arrival of each new month, I have a little routine of running through the house flipping all of our calendars. We have several calendars just like we have several clocks, because I’m all time-conscious. I could have sworn it was just yesterday that I flipped to November.
December 3, 2011
This day marks the one year anniversary of my first ever blog post and what a year it has been. The blog has gone from something very small that only my family and closest friends cared about to something that thousands of people visit a month. I am truly humbled. I am truly grateful.
December 2, 2011
After a bit of research, we found that they are indeed the same animal, of the genus Emeritus, also known as the Sand or Mole Crab. On Martha’s Vineyard, they are usually called “Sand Fleas”, but this term is also used to describe any number of small biting flea, shrimp and fly-like critters. In the interest of keeping things at least moderately appetizing, lets call them Mole Crabs from now on.
December 1, 2011
I prepared this stew with boar meat. Boar reminds me of autumn in Europe, the season of La Chasse, or the hunting season. Like most game, boar is lean and slightly gamey. It benefits from slow cooking and pairs well with fruit and spirits, such as Calvados and Armagnac. If you cannot find boar meat, pork is a good substitute.
November 30, 2011
Last weekend, I set out on a run. I was excited because temperatures were warm and the sun was out--when you're usually running at 5 am, it's a real treat to run in daylight. My excitement quickly turned to frustration. The source of my frustration? The 20-30 mph winds I found myself fighting for over an hour.
November 29, 2011
Fried sourdough bread, boiled egg, rice cake w peanut butter and sliced banana, raspberry/banana smoothie, grapefruit
November 28, 2011
happy thanksgiving everyone! i know i'm not actually American, but i appreciate any opportunity for giving thanks and spending time with family... and to eat pumpkin pie too, of course.
November 27, 2011
Right now I think I’m stuck in a rut. Remind me to edit my ‘about me’ page, because a few months after I wrote that, here I am not a teacher anymore. I never studied to become a teacher in the first place.
November 26, 2011
Contributing to this website that I started only four weeks ago has so far been a very rewarding experience. I’ve found an outlet for my extreme passion for food and have been able to marry it to my love of history, sociology, politics and environmentalism.
November 25, 2011
As an introduction to Finnish language, I will teach you an important word that is easy to pronounce. In case you ever get stuck here and are forced to communicate with the natives in the matters of food, it might save you from being served some of the unflattering dishes known as the local cuisine.
November 24, 2011
Apparently, turning 40 means that I am occasionally (!) absent-minded. I made this sometime last week and didn’t write down a single step. Thinking I’d remember it, the days passed by and with them the details.
November 23, 2011
I need your help. The title of this post, Yes, das ist eine bread basket, is ripped straight from the fractured memories of my childhood. I think it was one of the lyrics of a “list” song I learned as a tot, but that single line is all I remember. That, and when you sang the words “bread basket” you pointed to your stomach. If you know the song please refresh my memory. (Or titter at my lack thereof.)
November 22, 2011
Well, I’m not here to talk weather. Not today. I’m here to celebrate—friendship and birthdays. It’s the season to be thankful. To honor the occasion, I want to tell three awesome people—Tony, Hazra, Shaily—who celebrate their birthday this month, how much I value their friendship, how grateful I am to know them.
November 21, 2011
Last night I was taking a study break when I stumbled upon a great article by The Economist on cookbooks’ history (yep, I'm a geek. Proud of it though). It described how cookbooks have been influenced by history and how they’ve changed to adapt to society.
November 20, 2011
I have a love-hate relationship with canned cranberry sauce. It is so evocative of the holidays, with its familiar ridges produced from being packed in the can. But I struggle with not making something fresh when making homemade is so easy.
November 19, 2011
When it comes to big holiday feasts, one oven just isn’t enough, and I always find myself trying to sort out the intricate timing of turkey, stuffing, rolls, and any roasted or baked vegetables. I sit down with recipes and a schedule and plan it all out. If the turkey is done too early, it sits and gets cold and loses that wonderful fresh-from-the-oven juiciness while waiting for the rest of the dishes to finish.
November 18, 2011
It took me a long time to make a successful batch of vegan ice cream. I really struggled with it for quite a while actually. I would try a recipe and it would never turn out exactly how I wanted it and so I would give up, lose faith that I could make something as good as I could get in the store.
November 17, 2011
I add the peanut butter and chocolate in with the milk and cream at the beginning of the recipe, instead of whisking them in at the end (as you might normally in making a custard). I’ve discovered through trial and error the peanut butter won’t always emulsify into the custard if it’s whisked in cold at the last step.
November 16, 2011
My first experience with Shrimp and Grits was at Crook’s Corner in Chapel Hill, North Carolina back in the mid-nineties. Since then I’ve tried a number of different variations on the same theme, but have not, until now, encountered Shrimp and Grits to rival those at Crook’s.