Slow Cooker Pumpkin White Hot Chocolate is creamy, sweet, and filled with pumpkin and white...
This Holiday Whiskey Punch with Cherries and Champagne is the perfect drink for your next holiday...
This Maple Pecan Latte has a homemade maple caramel, frothy pecan milk and strong freshly brewed...
This Easy Hot toddy recipe is a classic alcoholic hot beverage perfect to combat cold, cough and...
The Toronto Cocktail is a delicious rye whiskey cocktail featuring Fernet-Branca, an Italian amaro...
These Spiced Honey Orange Cocktails are a lovely concoction of autumn flavors. Made with fresh...
This Cranberry Wine Spritzer is a fun and refreshing beverage, perfect for all your holiday...
This Homemade Gingerbread Coffee Recipe is a sweet, spiced, hot coffee recipe that can be enjoyed...
This Chocolate and Blackberry Bourbon Cocktail is sublime. The bourbon and blackberries downplay...
This healthy and vegan Gingerbread Latte is a delicious Christmas drink without feeling too guilty...
This festive Winter Sangria is made with a base of Vinho Verde and infused with pomegranate, pear,...
This Lavender Hot Chocolate is the perfect accompaniment to dropping temperatures and all of those...
A Swedish Glögg is a spicy, sweet and soul-warming steaming cup of mulled wine. Try this easy and...
Apple Cider Mimosas are a festive and fun cocktail to serve at all of your Fall gatherings....
This Apple Cider Vodka Soda is the perfect cocktail for fall and winter. It's made with spiced...
This Thanksgiving Punch is the perfect festive drink to serve on Thanksgiving. Cranberry juice,...
This Pink Gin and Kombucha Cocktail is healthier for you than your standard gin and tonic as they...
This dairy free Pumpkin Spice Latte is a healthier, easier, at home version of your favorite fall...
This Paleo Pumpkin Spice Martinis meets all your clean eating, pumpkin spice, and fall party needs...
If you are a lover of this iconic Old Fashioned cocktail, try it Wisconsin-style. Make a pitcher of...