This Ginger and Pineapple Smoothie is a fresh breakfast smoothie made with pineapple and fresh...
Strawberry Lemon Rosé Sangria is a light and refreshing alcoholic drink to make for a crowd. Filled...
This easy-drinking Limonata Basil Cocktail is made with limonata, cucumber vodka, seltzer, and...
This Dairy-free White Russian is a creamy and delicious drink made with coffee liqueur, vodka,...
This refreshing Homemade Honeydew and Basil Lemonade is sugar-free, sweetened only with delicious...
This Red Iced Tea with Homemade Strawberry Syrup is made using strawberry and raspberry infused tea...
This Coconut Margarita uses tequila blanco, triple sec, coconut cream, lime juice, and agave nectar...
Sparkling Lavender Lemonade – A light and refreshing drink perfect for summer! All you need is...
Citrus Sangria is like a mimosa on steroids! Sweet, bubbly wine is swirled with fresh lemonade and...
This Jalapeño Parsley Sour Martini brings a little bit of heat, a little bit of sweet, and a little...
This Bloody Mary packs a punch, with a hefty dose of tabasco and horseradish. With the dill and...
This Rosemary-Grapefruit Moscow Mule cocktail is quick to pull together and is so refreshing. Fresh...
No summer is complete without the supremely refreshing Mangonada Smoothies. The orange and red...
This White Sangria with Mango and Berries is a simple white sangria with fruit to enjoy on those...
You can never go wrong with this Spicy Passion Fruit Margarita. It starts with the homemade passion...
This Grapefruit Aperol Spritzer is the perfect cocktail to sip on all summer long.
This Salted Caramel White Russian is like an alcoholic caramel macchiato that only requires 4...
These Carrot Ginger Margaritas are a super fresh, zingy take on the classic margarita! They’re made...
A classic Tom Collins is a refreshing mix of Gin, fresh lemon juice, simple syrup and soda all...
This Chocolate Covered Blueberry Protein Smoothie is a healthy treat that you can sub in for a...