A quick and healthy dish, full of fresh snow peas, sliced zucchini and shrimp with a buttery, yet...
As I was having my daily conversation with my mom today, she was describing this great dish with...
Spinach and artichoke dip is a football favorite. Chunks of artichoke hearts and spinach...
Black bean and veggie burgers are comfort food gone healthy. The veggie patties are packed...
This is super simple, but it is a tasty side dish for a weeknight meal. The ruby red of the...
I'm a sucker when it comes to eggplant. I grew up on it and could honestly eat it...
Avocado and grapefruit salad is a refreshing wintertime dish. Slices of buttery avocado...
A quick and easy roasted broccoli dish seasoned with garlic, salt and peppers and fresh lemon....
U.K. resident Bunmi Sobowale has food allergies that are so severe, she can only eat vegetables....
Thai drunken noodles or pad kee mao is a totally delicious dish perfect for any night of the...
No matter if you are Vegetarian full time, or just trying to lighten up your diet, having a list of...
This versatile roasted vegetable tart is gluten-free and vegan! You can fill the tart with...
These zucchini fries, will satisfy your craving for a crunchy side, while keeping things gluten...
A creamy, cheesy flavoured broccoli soup, with no fat, no cream, no cheese, and is low in calories...
A sweet and savory stuffed acorn squash that is stuffed with apples, onions and cinnamon.
A colorful, easy, light side dish that would be perfect with any meal.
Vegetarian Taco filling that even a meat and potato's guy will love. Loaded with onions,...
This is a hearty soup full of sausage,shrimp and rice. Perfect for a winter meal!
This colorful tabbouleh with sun dried tomatoes and roasted red peppers is a feast for the eyes....
Fennel and orange salad with cranberries is a crisp and refreshing winter meal. It is simply...