Easy Meat-Free Farfalle with Vegetables 2 tablespoons vegetable oil 7 very thin...
A rainbow of veggies tossed with a delicious peanut dressing and crispy oven-baked wonton strips....
While not necessarily traditional, this vegetarian ramen is still a dynamite meal for Meatless...
Quick and easy gluten-free stuffed bell peppers is a versatile dish that can be made any night of...
Grilled vegetables make up this version of ratatouille, served over charred bread and topped with...
These vegetable side dishes are a snap to make and with only 5 ingredients, they can be on the...
Garden fresh corn and zucchini are folded into orzo pasta along with plenty of fresh herbs and feta...
Casseroles have turned over a new leaf. They are no longer just creamy condensed soups,...
Kale is a rockstar in the vegetable world and the new cookbook Kale, Glorious Kale by...
Casseroles can sometimes have a bad rap for being "hum drum" and unhealthy. ...
Fall brings cooler weather, pumpkins, and comfort food. These delicious vegetarian recipes...
Potato and Swiss chard enchiladas are a new take on a Mexican favorite. Instead of...
Crispy zucchini topped with garlic, cheese, tomatoes and basil, and then baked until golden and...
There is a reason that this is not the first time we've shared savory pie recipes - it's a...
Minestrone is a soup that changes with the seasons. While summer minestrone may have slices...
For those people who say vegetarian cuisine is boring, I say you've never had tofu coconut...
Chicken, broccoli, mushrooms and quinoa baked in an easy homemade cheese sauce and topped with...
A vegetarian taco encompasses a large category that could a dish as simple as a corn tortillas...
A vine ripened garden tomato is one of the greatest gifts in food. The sweet and acidic...
If your used to meat being at the center of the plate, replacing it with vegetables may be...