October 17, 2011
occupy wall street milk

Ever since the Occupy Wall Street movement began, we've seen circulated photos of individuals...

October 12, 2011

Cinnamon Biscuit Spirals combined with "Xocai Healthy Chocolate" make for a sweet treat!

October 11, 2011
chai tea

Sometimes all you need if a warm drink to comfort you on a cool day.  Chai tea is perfect in...

October 7, 2011

Combine your favorite buttermilk pancake mix with "Xocai Sipping Xocolate" for a...

October 6, 2011

The food rap trend has floated across the pond via Yeo Valley organic dairy. "Yeo Valley, we...

October 5, 2011

Who knew that cows were major fans of jazz? You can almost see them shaking their hooves to the...

October 5, 2011
pepsi pink

Pepsi Pink, a blend of ingredients that essentially tastes like carbonated strawberry milk, is the...

October 1, 2011

The last day of September is a double Birthday Day in my family. So I was looking for a cake that...

September 26, 2011
Takeru Kobayashi

At the Blogs With Balls Sports New Media Conference in New York City, hot dog-eating champion...

September 22, 2011
Oreo Crumb Case

The Oreo Crumb Case is a conceptual design by Jacob Gale, Kelly Saucier, Michael Grosso and Michael...

September 22, 2011
Breast Milk

A series of strange circumstances caused Curtis and Katie, a married couple of three children, to...

September 18, 2011
Milk Carton Regatta

Latvia's annual milk carton regatta is more than a race of vessels made from old milk cartons...

September 13, 2011

Unfortunately, examples of horrible parenting are abundant. Here are two examples from recent news...

September 9, 2011

Kick start your morning Coffee. Coffee married with delicious "Xocai Activ Chocolate"...

September 8, 2011

"Shake-up" your average morning protein shake with the delicious blend of Xocoalate and...

September 8, 2011

"Shake-up" your average morning protein shake with the delicious blend of Xocoalate and...

September 5, 2011

A new study by the Northwestern Medical School finds that African American children are twice as...

September 4, 2011
Got the Facts on Milk? The Milk Documentary

A documentary has just been released that makes claims on conspiracy theories surrounding popular...
