Chocolate Chip Zucchini Skillet Cake - Full of oats, chocolate chips, cinnamon, ginger and of...
For many people and chocolate lovers,nutella is the favorite,sweet spread on a slice of bread for...
Chewy, sweet, full of almonds and coated in dark chocolate, these Paleo chocolate Florentines are...
Awesome,sweet,fudgy,yummy and tasty sweet,walnut balls.Perfect snack trough the day or dessert....
These muffins are amazing and so,so sweet and yummy.This recipe yield about 12 muffins.Each of them...
Sweet, soft, moist and made up of only five healthy ingredients, these Paleo and vegan Bounty bars...
Homemade marble pound cake is a great, dense, made-from-scratch cake that’ll take care of...
Celebrate Pride Month with cloud-shaped chocolate brownies topped with a chewy rainbow.
Thick and Creamy Slow Cooker Hot Chocolate - It's easy to throw together now and drink hot...
Hands down, these brownies are the best brownies I've ever made! They're paleo, gluten-...
Extremely Addictive Milk Chocolate Peanut Bites are over the top delicious. Sweet, salty, creamy...
German Chocolate Truffles - you know the german chocolate cake filling? That is inside of these...
Peanut Butter Cake with Chocolate Frosting - peanut butter cake filled with chocolate frosting and...
Chocolate Chili Granola - crunchy, sweet, satisfying and delicious. Done in 25 minutes and vegan...
These vegan buckwheat brownie sandwiches are rich, sweet, somewhat healthy, addicting, and insanely...
These 4 Ingredient Raw Cacao Bars are packed full of goodness and flavour. Perfect for on-the-go...
This Fudgy, easy Can’t Wait Microwave Lava Cake is ready in only 7 minutes and uses cake mix and...
Checkerboard Marble Cake is such a cute and fun cake to make for someone who, like me, cannot...
This slow cooker chocolate lava cake is simple to make and incredibly decadent. No mixer needed! It...
Marbled Chocolate Covered Strawberries are colored candy melts dipped onto luscious, fresh...