Moms will find double chocolate monkey bread irresistible. Balls of dough are filled with...
Ferrero Rocher brownies from Becca Bakes are a decadent dessert. This brownie recipe...
Chocolate truffles are a decadent, melt-in-your-mouth treat and they are actually quite easy to...
These white chocolate popcorn trees from Hungry Happenings are a tasty treat to celebrate...
When you need a chocolate fix, who has time to whip something up from scratch? Now, you will! This...
This Nutella cheesecake panini from Chocolate Moosey is a must-try dessert. Chocolate...
The Associated Press reports that five tons of Nutella was stolen from Bad Hersfeld, Germany....
Peep s'mores are a delicious way to enjoy this popular Easter candy. Smash the sugar-crusted...
Gluten-free chocolate coconut macaroons are low calorie cookie. This wheatless dessert is...
Cadbury Creme Eggs are a favorite Easter candy. This recipe from Leanne Bakes allows you to...
These super easy bunny cookie pops are a stress-free treat for Easter. The trick to this...
Any die-hard coconut fan will be unable to resist these homemade chocolate dipped macaroons. ...
Satisfy your craving for chocolate with these out of this world Nutella Brownies from Crave Cook...
These ladybug cupcakes from Diary of a Ladybird are an adorable springtime dessert. Chocolate...
What is better than Oreos or brownies? Oreo stuffed brownies. This over the top treat is a...
Caramel chocolate pot de creme is a luxurious French dessert. The gold coin garnish is...
If you love the combination of chocolate and peanut butter, you'll love these tasty Tiger...
Bailey's mousse pie from Erica's Sweet Tooth is an Irish inspired dessert. An Oreo...
Indulge in a sinful night of wine and chocolate with this raw vegan chocolate sauce recipe. It was...
Guinness pretzel truffles from Sprinkles Bakes are a bite sized St. Patrick's Day candy. ...