Take advantage of summer's bounty and bake these delicious fruit pies. Whether you prefer stone fruits or berries, there is a buttery pie crust awaiting to be filled by them. Sample these pie recipes and I guarantee you won't be disappointed by the results.
Dark Chocolate Raspberry Pie Bars
Recipe from Deliciously Sprinkled
While not exactly pie, these raspberry pie bars are the lazy baker's dessert. A crumbly pie dough is pressed into a baking sheet and topped with a chocolate sweetened condensed milk sauce. The bars are then dotted with fresh red raspberries and chocolate chips.
Blueberry Pie
Recipe from The Egg Farm
When blueberry pie is good, it's really good. This foolproof recipe yields a pie dough that can stand up to the juicy blueberry filling. In other words, you don't have to worry about a soggy crust.
Classic Peach Pie
Recipe from Heather Homemade
This peach pie is simple and straightforward. There are no hidden flavors or secret ingredients - just good ol' peaches with a dash of cinnamon and nutmeg. I like to serve my peach pie a la mode.
Spiced Strawberry Crumble Pie
Recipe from The Whinery
Forget the fancy lattice top with this pie and opt for a spiced crumble topping instead. The topping is made from a combination of rolled oats, pistachios, coconut oil, and turbinado sugar.
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