We all love lettuce, but it is an under appreciated offering . For one tiny packet of seeds, you can eat fresh salads for weeks! Cut the leaves and they grow right back again. What a cool way to taste the freshness of spring and an easy way to catch the gardening bug. Growing lettuce can be done in any size garden, too. Try growing in a pot on the deck. Because lettuce likes cooler weather, you can extend the season by moving the container into the shade during the hottest part of each day.
Even if you are not inspired to grow your own, the local farmers market will be bursting at the seams with fresh salad greens. They are usually picked that morning, and sold by the pound. Grab some the next time you go to the market.
Salad greens make the perfect foil for a flavorful dressing. Try one of these recipes for homemade salad dressings and ditch the bottle!
This dressing has it all. Spicy and sweet with a depth of flavor from the fresh cilantro and basil.
A true classic, everyone should know how to create this flavorful dressing.
This dressing goes my many regional names, but the flavor is uniquely suited for a simple salad of fresh greens. I also like to think it is my brush with fame, as my parents live where it is said to have been invented.
This delicious mix of seasonings will wake up any salad leaf. Once you become familiar with how to make it, try combining your favorite flavors and create your own special blend.
Poppy seed dressing makes a fantastic pairing with fresh baby greens. Try adding red onion and raw cauliflower or broccoli as well.
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