Mila Kunis Loves to Cook Russian Food

January 8, 2013

There are many things we know about Mila Kunis -- she is funny, has great hair and is currently dating Ashton Kutcher. What you might not know about the actress is that she is a great cook. Kunis revealed she loves cooking traditional Russian food and even loves picking up fresh ingredients at the grocery store. 

"I really love cooking. I got to farmers' markets or to the supermarket near my house. It's open until midnight which is my favorite time to go because there aren't so many people and I can freely roam the aisles. Then I spend all the next day cooking," Kunis said. "I'm best at Russian food, because that's what I saw my mother cooking growing up. I was born in the Ukraine, although my family moved to Los Angeles when I was seven." 

It's always nice to see the rich and famous doing 'normal folk' activities like shopping for groceries and cooking a nice meal. 

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