July 6, 2012

These Kahlua pork sliders with Sriracha aioli are a must-try meal from Saucy Tomatoes. Inspired by a trip to Hawaii, the pork is cooked low and slow in a crock pot with Kahlua, liquid smoke, and black lava salt. Homemade Sriracha aioli is drizzled over the top of the meat before serving. If you do not have time to whip up your own aioli, simply mix the Sriracha with mayo.
Kahlua pork sliders with Sriracha aioli
Kahlua Pork Ingredients:
5-6 lbs pork butt
2 tbsp black Hawaiian lava salt
1 1/2 tbsp liquid smoke
slider buns
dill pickle slices
lots of time (16 - 20 hrs)
Sriracha Aioli Ingredients:
2 egg yolks
1 cup canola oil
2 tbsp Sriracha
juice from one lemon
pinch of salt
Take your pork butt, poke a bunch of holes in it with a knife and rub with the Hawaiian salt and liquid smoke.
After you thoroughly rub your pork but with the the salt and liquid smoke, put it in a crock pot on low for 16-20 hrs. It's a fantastic meal to start the night before you want to eat it. Let it cook all through the night and all day at work and you'll have a great surprise when you get home from work the next day.
After 16-20 hrs in the slow cooker, the kahlua pork should be finely pulled apart. It's easy to pull apart by grabbing two forks and just getting to work. Mix the meat up with all of the delicious simmering sauce and keep it on warm.
Now it's time for the aioli. Simply add your egg yolks, Sriracha, lemon juice and a pinch of salt to bowl of your food processor and blend until the eggs are slightly frothy, about 1 minute.
Once the eggs are beaten, slowly add your canola oil while the mixer is running.
Garnish your slider buns with pickle and the aoili and serve!
Image Sources:
July 6, 2012
Just wondering how much and when to add the Kahlua. It's mentioned in the description but not in the ingredients or preparation instructions.