Update on Chick-Fil-A Racist Incident

December 14, 2011

Several days ago came a shocking incident from a California Chick-Fil-A. A cashier listed two Asian customers as "Ching" and "Chong" on their receipts. Well, the fast food chain has responded quickly and fired the cashier in question. According to the official company statement, which was provided to GrubStreet: 

"Please understand and accept our confirmation that the inappropriate, and unthinking behavior of a young team member at one of our restaurants does not support any claim or even suggestion of racism at our restaurant...the employee was immediately dismissed for the individual behavior...The circumstances here are a simply case of immaturity, failed judgment, and human error….it has nothing to do with the service and operational standards of our Chick-fil-A restaurants which are consistently rated at the highest level of service in the foodservice industry.”

The company still has not addressed concerns about alleged homophobia though. 

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