September 28, 2011

After watching Brad Pitt's new movie, Money Ball, the people over at Vulture realized that the actor sure does eat a lot in his movies. Whether it's bagels or Twinkies, Pitt always seems to be munching on something while on the big screen. So, Vulture put together Brad Pitt's Definitive Food Dairy.
Bar nuts in Ocean's Eleven, pot roast in Mr. and Mrs. Smith, and human blood in Interview with a Vampire (yeah, they went there), the online magazine put together a giant list of everything Brad Pitt has ever eaten while acting in movies.
Check out the entire list here.
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September 29, 2011
yeah, I noticed the very same thing each time I saw one of his movies, except for Troy. He didn't eat anything in that movies except dirt and grass when he fought and when he died.
October 3, 2011
I have noticed this before - I think BP must have some sort of oral fixation because if he's not eating, he's smacking his lips or licking them ... I find it all kinda gross actually ...
October 4, 2011
I haven't paid attention on it before reading this blog.
Maybe the directors found that he looked more attractive when chewing something.