September 22, 2011

A high school in Massachusetts is paying homage to the Harry Potter series by playing a Quidditch match to raise money for Project Bread.
Members of the Harry Potter Alliance (a charitable initiative inspired by the Boy Who Lived) at Swampscott High School will be playing each other in the fantastical sport (that usually requires flying brooms) as a way of giving back to their community. Project Bread has a mission of ending hunger in Massachusetts. The organization provides a hunger hotline, food pantries and banks, as well as a nutritional program.
The Quidditch match is taking place at Lower Jackson field tomorrow at 2:30pm.
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September 22, 2011
That looks epic... I am not really sure how it is supposed to work without enchanted brooms and bludgers and snitches and whatnot, but I am sure it is interesting