Hot Peppers In The Garden

August 9, 2011

We are dreaming about hot peppers. Not the joy of them, but the sheer number of the them, ready to harvest. It is becomeing overwhelming. 

When vegetables start to take over, it must be the end of summer harvest. Time to get out the canning pots and start putting up the peppers. My Jalapeno Salsa is a great way to use up copious numbers of hot peppers. I use it often during the winter months, for all the Mexican dishes we eat so much of when it is cold outside. Enjoy!

Jalapeno Salsa

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Christine Hanson 's picture

Can't wait for mine to be ready for some pepper jam.

Amy Jeanroy's picture

I have never made it, but it must be a regional treat around these parts. Many of the women I have talked to at local markets have their own special recipes. 

My husband would probably  love it.