These Weird Wednesday must-reads are sure to help you shake off the boring and normal parts of your day. We've compiled the craziest products, most bizarre blog posts and the best offbeat news items of the day to set the tone for the rest of your week.
Bring your Fourth of July barbecue into the 21st century by tossing aromatics like rosemary, coriander, peppercorns, olive pits and rosemary into the fire. [The New York Times]
Speaking of Independence Day entertaining, check out this flag cake. [YumSugar]
The Jarvis JR-50 Super Pig Decapitator is a mean piece of slaughterhouse machinery that can decapitate up to 1,200 (already-dead) pigs an hour. [Gizmodo]
The Ron Swanson Meat Mosaic is sure to please Parks and Recreation fans and carnivores alike. [Foodiggity]
Have you ever deliberated over the toppings to put on your pizza? This flow chart will help you out. [John and Elana]
The Phydough Ice Cream Truck is for the dogs -- no, really. Its offerings include ice cream sandwiches made with duck fat cookies and peanut butter and bacon ice cream. [Oddity Central]
Are you and your taste buds constantly at odds? These Defcon Sauces give you ample ammo should you decide to declare war. [Uncrate]
Taco Bell is hoping to get its customers to hang out longer with free Wi-Fi and TV screens that show coverage from The Restaurant Entertainment Network. [FoodBeast]
If you drink enormous quantities of caffeine and are immune to its effects, try Nitro Coffee. [Instructables]
Modify your existing grill with a few foil-wrapped bricks to make your own yakitori. [The Food Section]
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