Judith Klausner Carves Victorian-Era Oreo Cameos

June 29, 2011

Fans of sandwich cookies indulge in a variety of ways, but artist Judith Klausner doesn't dunk, twist or bite whole; instead, she creates Victorian-era Oreo cameos like the one above.

The Oreo cameos are part of a larger art series called "From Scratch," which explores the trade-off between home-cooked meals made the old-fashioned way and the time commitments that modern careers and lifestyles impose on women. Judith Klausner's statement on the project sums up this struggle beautifully. Here's an excerpt:

The availability of packaged foods is what allows us the time to pursue careers, to develop new technologies, to create. The food on our tables may not be as tasty as it once was. It may not even be as wholesome. But it is important to take a step back and recognize the trade that has been made, and that what we have gained is not to be undervalued.

The full text of Judith Klausner's perspective is well worth the read. Do you agree with her sentiments?

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