Today's Must-Read Wine Articles

June 16, 2011

Every week there are a multitude of great wine posts on the interwebs. Here are our favorites that you must read today:

  • Eater wine columnist Talia Baiocchi recommends Father's Day wines by dad type. Is your dad a dork? Give him something wine geek street cred. Wilderness Dad? Skip wine for some rye, straight up.
  • Would you buy a wine based on health benefits? Dr. Vino says it's not worth it.
  • On the Inside Scoop SF blog, Jon BonnĂ© learns about the future of rapidly expanding wine flash sale site Lot18. Hint: there's going to be a lot more than wine.
  • Wine writer alice Feiring is all over Austria in her blog this week. Check in for a wine-lovers travelogue 

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Viviane Bauquet Farre's picture

Great article and links Sarah! Love the Alice Feiring posts.