5 Itty-Bitty Apartment Grills

May 26, 2011

Not everyone has the spare square footage for the God-grilla, and these space-saving apartment grills prove that big barbecuing power can come in a small package. From pocket-sized grills to tabletop barbecuers, these apartment grills have every room size and grilling need covered.

1. Hot-Pot BBQ: The Hot-Pot BBQ by Black+Blum is a space-saving barbecue grill that looks just like a terra cotta pot; the top lip of the pot comes off to reveal a small cooking surface. Since the Hot-Pot BBQ can double as a planter, it won't take up excess room on a balcony or windowsill.

apartment grills

2. Altoids Sours BBQ Grill:

This DIY barbecuer is the smallest in this collection; it runs on a single charcoal briquette and is made out of an Altoids tin. Instructables user vmspionage offers step-by-step instructions to turn an empty mint tin into a suitable apartment grill that can easily cook a single hot dog or a few sliders.

Apartment Grills

3. Tabletop Grill: The Tabletop Grill by Eva Solo is a 6.3 inch by 11.8 inch grill that can cook from virtually any heat-resistant surface. It's perfect for hibachi-style cooking, and comes with a teak stand to protect tabletops from heat.

apartment grills

4. SteakHouse Grill: The SteakHouse Grill by Ariete puts a healthy spin on traditional grills by cooking foods in a vertical position. Just like your trusty Foreman Grill, the SteakHouse Grill forces fats to drain into a separate tray away from the food. Springs help the grill accommodate foods of different sizes, and the grill's two plates cook food twice as fast.

apartment grills

5. Darwin BBQ: The Darwin BBQ is a briefcase-sized steel barbecuer that folds out into a triangular grilling surface. It can cook three or four burgers at once, and its removable ash pan is easy to clean -- perfect for impromptu grilling sessions.

apartment grills

  Which of these apartment grills is on your list of Memorial Day must-haves?
