Student Rides to Prom in the Oscar Mayer Weinermobile

May 1, 2011

Weinermobile Prom Car

Ben Ross, a student at L.D. Bell High School in Bedford, had the best prom ride of all his classmates last night -- an Oscar Mayer Weinermobile. While in the hospital after a motorcycle accident, Ross joked to his mother about riding to prom in the Weinermobile, according to WFAA. She in turn appealed to Oscar Mayer for permission to use the hot dog-shaped automobile, and the company agreed.

Ben Ross, his date and nine of their friends made the prom trip to the Dallas Trade Center Saturday night in the Oscar Mayer Weinermobile. Here's a family photo the Ross family provided WFAA of Ben and his date Molly Muchow:

Wienermobile Prom Car

Photos by WFAA
