Buy $740,000 RussoBaltique Vodka, Get an Iron Diamond SUV Free

April 29, 2011

RussoBaltique vodka

The RussoBaltique vodka brand is introducing an opulent promotion: Buy one bottle, priced at 500,000 euros (about $740,000), and get a Dartz Prombron Iron Diamond SUV for free. The exclusive line is limited to just 10 units, one of which already belongs to Kazakhstan's Princess Reigina Abdurazakova.

Dartz Prombron

RussoBaltique vodka is packaged in a 20-pound solid gold case. The Dartz Prombron Iron Diamond SUV is a 999-horsepower behemoth built using the same armored techniques that the Soviet military used in its vehicles. Customers can select from a variety of exotic trims for the SUV, including elephant skin, crocodile skin and snakeskin.

The limited-edition collection is targeted at women; the RussoBaltique vodka and Iron Diamond SUV will also come with an adult toy by Viktor Poontoos.

Photos by MotorAuthority

