Selecting a wine is difficult, especially given that you can rarely taste a bottle before purchasing. Drinkers are forced to rely on advice from salespeople, sommeliers, and critics. And even if your local shop or restaurant knows their stuff, they can't possibly know exactly what you want.
Or can they?

Palate Press, an online wine magazine, is trying to take the guesswork out of wine recommendations by pairing you with a reviewer who has a similar taste in wine. Like online dating, the Palate Press Calibration Project is going to put reviewers on display and let you take your pick. Wine reviewers will be asked to write tasting notes for a series of widely available wines. As a consumer, you are asked to taste the same wines. When the reviewers' notes are published on Palate Press, you will be able to read them and find the reviewer who experienced the wines similarly to yourself for a perfect match.
This is an ambitious project, and it needs your help. But knowing that you'll love a wine before opening the bottle? Worth it.
Photo by WordRidden