William and Kate Wedding Food Swag

April 8, 2011

So, maybe you haven't heard, but there is apparently some big wedding in the United Kingdom on April 29. Lots of websites anxiously wait for Prince William to take commoner Kate Middleton as his bride and lots of companies see the marketing opportunity. That includes food products as well. Check out some of the coolest food swag for the wedding.

1. Dunkin' Donuts (donuts): Apparently, the CEO of Dunkin' is super-excited for the royal wedding and the chain will offer a limited edition royal wedding donut from April 24-29, costing 89 cents. The heart-shaped donut (pictured below) features a jelly filling, vanilla frosting and a chocolate drizzle on top. Deep fried wedded bliss! How romantic!

2. Castle Rock Brewery (beer): For the month before the wedding, this English brewery has produced a special beer— "Kiss Me Kate." The head brewer says, "Kiss Me Kate will be elegant, tasteful and British to the core.  It’ll be brewed to 5%, pale in colour and, we’re sure it’ll be the ideal way to toast the couple’s future happiness.  We’ll certainly be enjoying it in our celebrations here at the brewery." The label for the very special beer is pictured here:

Kiss Me Kate

3. Donkey Products (Tea Bags): Something that everyone has wanted at some point or another. Tea bags that make it seem as though the royal couple are taking a bath in your tea. Thankfully, novelty product producer Donkey Products has you covered with KaTea and William tea bags.  Check out William taking a bath in some tea below.

4. John Lewis (Dishes): If you're the bitter type, these might be the perfect souvenir. They feature the words "It Should Have Been Me" in bold, in honor of the royal wedding. Still, it would be a humorous way to get the conversation started at your next dinner party. You can see a picture of one plate below.

5. Lydia Leith (Sick Bags): If you're having a wedding party and perhaps celebrate too much, you'll want a special sick bag to commemorate that day. Right? That seems obvious. Well, thankfully one British designer has taken care of that and produced a royal sick bag to commemorate the big event. What do you do with it once it's used? Check out a sample bag below.

Photo via Time/ Castle Rock/ Donkey Products/ John Lewis/ Lydia Leith

