Hunger Challenge Day 4: SPAM Hash and Eggs

March 24, 2011

SPAM hash and eggs

SPAM is a common item found in most food banks (see the entire list of common food bank items), so on Day 4 of the Hunger Challenge I decided to make SPAM Hash and Eggs - a great and hearty breakfast or "breakfast for dinner."

SPAM Hash and Eggs
Serves 2
Total cost: $2.00

1 can SPAM, diced (any flavor) - $1.00
1 small onion, sliced- $.15
2 large potatoes, diced - $.49
1 tablespoon canola oil for frying - $.04
2 eggs - $.32

Heat oil over medium high in a large skillet. Add diced potatoes and sauté until golden brown. Add diced onions and SPAM and continue to sauté until browned.

Serve with fried, soft boiled or poached eggs on top. Season to taste with pepper.

TIP: Store the cut remains of the onion in a plastic bag to use as flavoring in chicken stock!



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[...] I always throw my peels out, but Sheri Wetherell from Foodista says don’t.  Peels can be frozen and used in soup stock later.  Sheri also continues her plan to cook meals with food commonly found at a food bank.  Breakfast today? Spam and egg hash. [...]