Soy Milk
Soy milk is a non-dairy milk substitute made from cooked soybeans that are pureed and strained. Soy milk is sweeter and slightly darker than dairy milk, and has a distinct bean-like taste. Soy milk often has sugar and vanilla extract added for flavoring.
Other names: Soya Milk, Soy Juice, Soybean Milk
Translations: Sojas piens, Sojų pienas, Lapte de soia, Sojino mlijeko, Sữa đậu nành, Mleko sojowe, Sojamelk, सोया दूध, O leite de soja, Соевое молоко, Γάλα σόγιας, حليب الصويا, 두유, Sójové mléko, Susu kedelai, 豆浆, Llet de soja, Sójové mlieko, Di latte di soia, חלב סויה, Sojamjölk, Млеко од соје, 豆乳, Lait de soja, Sojamilch, Sojamælk, Soyamelk, Leche de soja, Соєве молоко, Soijamaito, Соево мляко
Physical Description
Rich and creamy, resembling milk.
Colors: white/milky
Tasting Notes
Flavors: nutty flavor
Mouthfeel: Rich and creamy
Substitutes: Rice milk, Milk
Selecting and Buying
Choosing: Look for soy milk in cartons, either on the shelves or in the refrigerated section of natural food stores or grocery stores.
Buying: Available in any natural food store or grocery stores.
Procuring: Soy milk can be made from whole soybeans or full-fat soy flour. Dry beans are soaked in water overnight or for a minimum of 3 hours or more and grinding them with water.
Preparation and Use
Look for soy milk in cartons, either on the shelves or in the refrigerated section of natural food stores or grocery stores.
Cleaning: When making home made soy milk, the resulting slurry ir puree should be brought to a boil in order to improve its nutritional value. Thsis is done by heat activating soybean trypsin inhibitor, at the same time improving its flavor and sterilizing the product. Heat it at or near the boiling point for a continued period of time, 15-20 minutes, then remove the insoluble residue (soy pulp fiber or okara) by filtration.
Conserving and Storing
Soy milk will keep for seven to ten days as long as it's refrigerated after opening. for an extended shelf life and optimal taste, refrigerate overnight before opening.