Sweet Potatoes
The sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) is a dicotyledonous plant which belongs to the family Convolvulaceae. Amongst the approximately 50 genera and more than 1000 species of this family, only I. batatas is a crop plant whose large, starchy, sweet tasting tuberous roots are an important root vegetable (Purseglove, 1991; Woolfe, 1992).
Other names: Papa's Dulce, Yams
Translations: Sweet Kartupeļi, Saldžiosios bulvės, Cartofii dulci, Slatki krumpir, Khoai tây ngọt, Słodkie ziemniaki, Zoete aardappelen, मीठे आलू, Batata doce, Сладкий картофель, Γλυκοπατάτες, البطاطا الحلوة, 고구마, Sladké brambory, Слатки кромпир, Sweet patatas, 甘薯, Camote, Sladki krompir, Sladké zemiaky, Patate dolci, ובטטה, Sötpotatis, Ubi Jalar, さつまいも, Patates douces, Søde Kartofler, Sweet poteter, Camotes, Солодкий картопля, Bataatit, Сладки картофи
Physical Description
Large Starchy, Sweet Tasting Root Vegetable. Leafs can be eaten as Greens..
Colors: Reddish Brown
Tasting Notes
Flavors: Sweet, Starchy
Mouthfeel: Starchy, Smooth
Food complements: Turkey, Ham, Chicken, Bison, Burgers
Wine complements: Red wine
Beverage complements: Hot cider
Substitutes: Candied yams
Selecting and Buying
Seasonality: january, february, march, april, may, september, opctober, november, december
Choosing: When choosing sweet potatoes look for the largest of the bunch! Make sure that they are fresh and are without bruising of any kind.
Buying: You can purchase at your local grocery store or local farmers market.
Procuring: Best grown at average temperature 75 Degrees F. Pesticides are rarely needed.
Preparation and Use
You can boil, roast, bake or fry sweet potatoes. Great substitute for fries.
Cleaning: You can rinse the sweet potatoes in cool water in preparation for cooking.
Conserving and Storing
Store at Room Temperature.