Pumpkin Seed Oil
Photo: flickr user jonny.hunter
Oil expressed from the seeds of pumpkins. The seeds are usually toasted before processing, which makes the oil darker and richer. Pumpkin seed oil is a common ingredient in Mexican cooking and though it's good for cooking due to a high temperature smoke point, it is most frequently used as a finishing oil for flavor.
Translations: Ķirbju sēklu eļļu, Moliūgų sėklų aliejus, Seminţe de dovleac Ulei, Bučino ulje, Olej z pestek dyni, Pompoenpitolie, कद्दू के बीज का तेल, Óleo de semente de abóbora, Тыквенное масло, Κολοκύθας σπορέλαιο, زيت بذور اليقطين, 호박 종자 오일, Dýně olej, Minyak Biji Labu, Kalabasa Buto Oil, 南瓜籽油, Oli de llavor de carbassa, Bučno olje, Tekvica olej, Olio di semi di zucca, שמן זרעי דלעת, Уље од бундевиног семена, パンプキンシードオイル, Huile de graines de citrouille, Kürbiskernöl, Græskarkerneolie, Aceite de semilla de calabaza, Гарбузове масло, Тиквено семе петрола