Fuji Apple
Farmers and researchers are constantly tweaking the harvests to try to generate the best possible apple. They try to maximize flavor while making the fruit attractive and resistant to disease. A relative newcomer to the apple world is the Fuji. The origins of the apple's name is disputed. Most seem to point to Mount Fuji as the source of the name, a mountain located southeast of Tokyo, Japan. Others claim the apple derives its name from a town called Fujisaki, located in an apple growing area of Japan called the Aomori Prefecture which is located in the northern most region on the main island of Japan.
Fugi apples are a combination of two varieties: Red Delicious and Ralls Janet. They were developed by researchers in Japan and they were first brought to market in 1962. These tasty apples became available in the United States in the 1980s.
Although Fujis perform well when baked or frozen, they are perhaps best suited for eating fresh or in salads. These apples are extremely flavorful and super sweet. Fujis are very juicy and crisp and are not in the least bit mealy. Some Fujis are very big, but these tend to be less flavorful. Look for medium-sized and firm fruit with spots all around. If you haven't tried them yet, we are sure you will love them!