Lancashire Cheese
A crumbly English cow's-milk cheese, is considered one of the premier products of the county. Many local farms produce this famous cheese, and it is historically associated with the town of Leigh. Lancashire cheese can be classified as either "crumbly", "tasty" or "creamy". Since it does not become stringy when melted, some consider it a favorite for Welsh rarebit.
Translations: Lancashire Siers, Lankašyro Sūriai, Lancashire Brânză, Lancashire sir, Lancashire Kaas, लंकाशायर पनीर, Lancashire Queijo, Ланкашир сыра, Lancashire Τυρί, لانكشاير الجبن, 란카셔 치즈, Lancashire Sýry, Lancashire Keju, 兰开夏郡奶酪, Lancashire Formatge, Lancashire Sir, Lancashire Syry, Lancashire Formaggio, לנקשייר גבינה, Lancashire Ost, Ланцасхире сир, ランカシャーチーズ, Lancashire fromage, Lancashire Käse, Lancashire Queso, Ланкашир сиру, Lancashire Juusto, Lancashire сирене