Watermelon Radish
A large round root vegetable related to the turnip and horseradish family, with a crisp texture and a mild to sweet peppery flavor. Unlike many other radishes, the intensity of this radish decreases as the radish matures. Generally, the flesh of this radish is hotter toward the outside and sweeter toward the center.
Translations: Arbūzs Redīsi, Arbūzas Ridikėlis, Pepene verde ridiche, Lubenica rotkvica, Dưa hấu củ cải, Rzodkiewka arbuz, Watermeloen Radijs, तरबूज मूली, Melancia Radish, Арбузы Редис, Καρπούζι Ρεπάνι, البطيخ الفجل, 수박 무, Meloun ředkvičky, Лубеница Ротквица, Pakwan labanos, 西瓜萝卜, Rave Síndria, Lubenica redkve, Melón reďkovky, Anguria Ravanello, אבטיח צנונית, Vattenmelon Rädisa, Semangka Lobak, スイカ大根, Watermelon Radis, Watermelon Radieschen, Vandmelon Radise, Vannmelon reddik, Rábano Sandía, Кавуни Редис, Vesimeloni Retikka, Диня репички