1% Milk


This type of milk falls under the umbrella of Low-fat Milk. Low Fat Milk usually has a fat content range of 0.5 to 3%%. Therefore 1%% Milk contains only 1%% of fat.


Other names: Milk
Translations: 1% piena, 1% pieno, 1% lapte, 1% mlijeka, 1% sữa, 1% mleka, 1% Melk, 1% दूध, Leite de 1%, 1% молока, 1 Γάλα%, 1 ٪ الحليب, 1 % 우유, 1% mléko, 1% млека, 1%的牛奶, 1% de llet, 1% mlečne, 1% mlieko, 1% di latte, 1% חלב, 1% Mjölk, 1% Susu, 1%ミルク, Lait 1%, 1% Milch, 1% Mælk, 1% melk, 1% de leche, 1% молока, 1% maidon, Милион% Мляко



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