Black Mustard Seed
Photo: flickr user Sam Felder
From the plant known as Brassica nigra. Used commonly in South Indian cooking in dried form. The seeds are fried in hot ghee (clarified butter) until they pop, sputter and turn gray . Then they release a nutty and pungent flavor. They're usually fried with other fresh or dried spices like cumin, chilies and turmeric before they are added to other Indian dishes like dals, curries or vegetable dishes.
Other names: கடுகு, ఆవాలు, राइ, Rai
Translations: Black Sinepju sēklas, Juodosios Garstyčių sėklos, Seminţele de muştar negru, Crna slačica Seed, Gorczyca Black, काले सरसों के बीज, Black grão de mostarda, Черный горчичном зерне, Μαύρο σινάπι, أسود بذور الخردل., 검은 겨자씨, Černé hořčičné semeno, Black mustasa Buto, 黑马斯塔德锡德, Negre Llavor de Mostassa, Black gorčično seme, Čierne horčičné semeno, Black senape, שחור זרע חרדל, Svart Senapsfrön, Црна слачице семе, ブラックマスタードシード, Graine de moutarde noire, Sort Sennep Seed, Svart Mustard Seed, Negro Semilla de Mostaza, Чорний гірчичне зерня, Musta sinapinsiemenet, Черно синапено семе