Technique: Pick Over
To sort the bad out from the good; generally used with beans and other dried legumes, though can apply to large quantities of any small foods (such as rice, grapes, cherries, etc).
Other names: Picked Over
Translations: Persirengti, Sorta, Pick Više, Từ Pick, Przebierać, Kies dan, लेने से अधिक, Отбирать, Ξεδιαλέγω, اختيار أكثر من, 선택 오버, Přebrat, Pick Lebih, Pumili ng Higit, 择, Cercar en, Prebrat, Mondare, בחרו במהלך, ANSA, Преко пицк, ピックオーバー, Plus de choix, Auslesen, Plukk Over, Buscar en, Відбирати, Käännellä ja väännellä, Подбирам