Alfalfa Sprouts
The sprouted seeds of a flowering legume plant, that is widely cultivated for the manufacture of feed for beef and dairy cattle, sheep, goats and horses.
Long considered to be of nutritive value for humans, Alfalfa Sprouts also appear to have curative qualities. Studies have shown that key components in these sprouts, help protect us from disease, are useful in fighting bad cholesterol and increasing bone density which helps fight against osteoporosis. Alfalfa sprouts are most often eaten in salads and sandwiches.
In recent years, the eating of these sprouts has been linked to many food borne illnesses, so it is recommended that they be kept at cool temperatures (40 F/ 4 C) and rinsed before eating. It is also suggested that sprouts of any kind are not to be eaten by those with compromised immune systems, such as hospital patients, or the very young or elderly, to reduce the risk of foodborne illness.