Technique: Tempering
Tempering is to alter the temperature of a food gently and gradually. It can refer to the process of slowly adding a hot liquid to a mixture in order to raise its temperature. It's the proper method for melting chocolate so that cocoa powder, cocoa butter, and sugar do not separate. It's also the the process of bringing cold foie gras back to room temperature without over-cooking.
Other names: Tempered, Temper
Translations: Rūdīšana, Temperuoti, Revenire, Kaljenje, Luyện, Odpuszczania, Tempereren, तड़के, Revenimento, Закалка, Βαφής, هدأ, 템퍼, Temperování, Percampuran, Paggawa ng asero, 回火, Temperat, Kaljenje, Temperovanie, Tempra, הרפיה, Anlöpning, Каљење, 焼戻し, Tempérer, Temperieren, Hærdning, Templado, Гарт, Karkaisu, Смекчаване