
My name is Ashlee and I am a stay at home mom of wonderful twin infants! I have a wonderful husband who is a pastor of two churches and also an intern chaplain at the Veterans Administration Hospital. We have a boy, LB (Lewis Bond III) and Daisy Ann. They were born on February 26, 2010. (Also my birthday!)

Since the babies have been born I have been trying to live a healthy balanced lifestyle. Not that this is the first time I have tried to live this way but now I am committed. I have tried to give up all processed food and eat a more clean and natural diet. I try to exercise at least five days a week and I am training for my first half marathon.

My new food philosophy is to ask myself “would I want my kids to eat this” before I eat it. This has really changed the way I look at food and I feel great.

If you have any questions feel free to email at
