It's time for me to get out my cookie cutters... To brace myself for an impending flour snowstorm... To walk gently on a buttery ice rink of a kitchen floor... To consider my to-do list incomplete unless it concludes with five dozen gingerbread men... And to consider cookies the mainstay of my diet.
It's holiday cookie time.
What I'm thinking, or hoping, rather, is that you may be in the same sugary situation. If so, here are some fantastic cookie recipes that the Foodista community is baking up this holiday season! Bake a few dozen to parcel as gifts, in festive boxes or bags tied with colorful ribbons. Hoard some for yourself. Tote a trayful of sweets to any party you attend! You'll be in the good graces of nearly everyone you know, especially Santa.

Italian Cookies
These are sugar cookies with an Italian accent. Olive oil, orange zest, and lemon make these cookies unique and delectable.

Peanut Butter Kisses Cookies
A delicious peanut butter cookie with a chocolate kiss in the center. Who can resist?

Peppermint Snowballs
These snowballs are the prettiest treat to adorn your cookie plate. Dressed in white confectioners sugar they are sure to get you in the holiday mood.

Holiday Cutouts
Holiday cutouts are the cookies memories are made of. Get creative with your family and spend an afternoon decorating these sweet treats.

Gingerbread Cutouts
Who can resist a Gingerbread Man? With colorful outfits and a spicy flavor he's simply divine.
Cranberry Bark
No cookie plate is complete without a delicious bark. This cranberry bark uses a seasonal ingredient and adds color to your plate.

Persimmon Ginger Holiday Cookies
A North Carolina tradition sure to be nostalgic for some. For the rest of us, it's an exotic treat!

Lonely For London Cookies
These cookies were inspired by the Cadbury Whole Nut Bars sold in London. With hazelnuts and chocolate they're sure to wow.

Traditional Pulgiese fried pastries filled with roasted almonds, honey, spices and chocolate. A truly decadent treat!

Apple Pie Bars
Who says you need a plate and fork to eat pie? These yummy bars pack pie flavor into a tidy bar.
December 7, 2010
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Foodista, Karen Gaudette, Barnaby Dorfman, Mark Moreno, Dreamfields Pasta and others. Dreamfields Pasta said: RT @foodista: New blog post: In the mood to bake? Here's a holiday cookie recipe round up: http://bit.ly/dWosUd [...]
December 7, 2010
Your cookies look absolutely beautiful! I can't wait to start making Christmas cookies.