Brigadeiros (Brazilian Fudge Balls)


4 Tablespoons unsalted butter
2 Tablespoons heavy cream
2 14-oz cans of sweetened condensed milk
3 oz. finely chopped semisweet chocolate
1 Tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder
1 cup, more or less, of chocolate sprinkles


Put the butter, cream and milk in a medium or large saucepan and bring to a boil.
Add the chocolate and cocoa, reduce the heat to low and cook. Keep stirring the entire time, until the consistency is like a dense batter, about 15 minutes.
When the mixture is nice and dense, pour it into a bowl and let it cool for a bit before chilling it for 4 hours.
When the fudge is sufficiently chilled, use a tablespoon as a portion guide and roll each portion into a ball. I wore nitrile gloves while rolling, to help slow the transfer of heat from my hands to the fudge. Work fast!
When the balls have been re-chilled, pour some chocolate sprinkles into a small, shallow bowl and roll the fudge until each ball is covered.


These balls of chocolate goodness are courtesy of Brazil. Brigadeiros are basically Brazil’s national sweet, and they are served on special occasions., including birthdays and weddings. They are also nearly ubiquitous at cafes, bakeries and confectioneries.

Other Names:

Fudge Balls


About 30


Friday, April 14, 2017 - 2:48pm


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