Let's not talk turkey for a moment. I know the big day is all about these crazy post-football-game 67 course meals which all seem to revolve around a big ol' turkey in the middle of the table (you know, Norman Rockwell style) Here's the thing -- while we merry mini-chefs are busily baking, cooking, heating, reheating, roasting and making gravy, the natives get restless -- and by restless, I mean hungry. So keep 'em well fed, whether it's watching the Packers v. Lions (or 49ers v. Ravens or Dolphins v. Cowboys), playing pinochle or boardgames, they're going to get hungry! Here are 5 super simple gluten free Thanksgiving appetizers / snacks that will keep your house full of happy campers and allow you to worry about the turkey.
Maple Roasted Tomatoes -- perfect for a cheese plate, otherwise milk/dairy free & vegan.
Italian Inspired Artichoke Hummus
Baked Brie with Almonds & Honey
Freedom From Want (from Four Freedoms series), Norman Rockwell, 1943 - oil on canvas.
(Popularly identified as Thanksgiving dinner.)
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