With the weather not playing nice, I am never without my drink of choice: Ice tea. Plain, strong tea has always been hard to come by, unless I made my own.
Recently, I was sent a sample of Tejava Premium Iced Tea, made by Crystal Geyser Water Company and was pleasantly surprised. The first thing I noted was the strength of the tea itself. It was full bodied, yet had no bitterness, and absolutely no aftertaste.
Tejava equates this to the fact that their product is made from the top few leaves of the tea plant, and picked only during the optimum harvesting months. I don't know a thing about growing tea, but I do know that this is tea that tastes better than anything I can brew at home.
If you live on the West coast, or have a Trader Joe's or Cost Plus World Market near you, go ahead and check them out. It is the best tasting tea I have ever had out of a bottle. Tejava is the perfect drink to pair with your summer grilled foods.
Follow Tejava on Facebook, to learn more about the product.
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